The Environmental Portrait

Culturescape is an environmental portrait of the Bundanon region in rural NSW. Bundanon, a vast property of 1100 hectares in the Shoalhaven River Valley, and the former home of artist Arthur Boyd, is today the site of an artists’ retreat and education centre. The portrait of Bundanon comprises an interactive environmental map, an environmental history of the region, representation of a number of walks across the site, and the documentation of five environmental artworks by Nigel Helyer, all initially installed at Bundanon. The interactive map concerns the forensic analysis of minerals in the Shoalhaven catchment as a means to understand human occupation and modification of the landscape. A mobile app has also been created, drawing on the environmental data obtained in this project, as well as archival imagery. This creative work for hand-held mobile devices allows visitors to walk through the Bundanon landscape and see and hear the mineral content of the soil literally beneath their feet.